Making hiring simple
Use Ushealthcarenurses, a platform that makes nursing recruiting simple, to find your next nurse to hire. Access a database of 408,701 currently employed nurses, and only pay for those that respond to your requests.
Focus your search to discover the best applicant
Choose candidates among more than 1 million licensed healthcare professionals.
Choose candidates based on their discipline, area of specialization, preferred location, and other factors relevant to the provision of healthcare
Instant messaging with candidates
Candidates can initiate a conversation using our messaging features, allowing you to get in touch with them at any time. More than 120,000 people are currently using the mobile app.
Pay above the standard rate
Using wage analytics to analyze local market trends will help you offer fair and competitive compensation.
Obtain comprehensive details on every applicant
You may view all of the most recent details on applicants, including their work histories, preferred shifts, credentials, and licenses, on Vivian’s Universal Profile.
Have any nursing jobs?
Post your vacant nursing openings on our nursing job board to reach the 408,701 registered nurses who are currently working. By using our service, you can filter applicants by job title, specialty, license, prior travel, and more.
Having trouble finding your next employee?
Recruiters can communicate with high-intent job seekers fast and effectively because of Vivian. We’ll assist you in recruiting more quickly and achieving your employment objectives.
Nursing Leads Live
Candidates can determine which employers they wish to submit their resume to when they register, and we will match them to the positions that are available. In this manner, you not only hire the best people, but you hire them when they are seeking work. Real-time matching can help you find the best nurses!